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NM Beef Council Recipes

Tamales! A Mexican favorite! Our spin on this classic dish makes it easier than ever to construct them - or should we say, deconstruct them?

Got a hankering for a hearty breakfast? Try this traditional Mexican-style recipe with beef sausage, eggs and beans.

This recipe comes to us from Anna Herrera-Shawver, owner of Santa Fe Seasonings and other delicious New Mexico products can be found at Taste New Mexico.

OK, I'll admit it! I'm a Green Chile Cheeseburger addict, but who can blame me? I don't know if there is anything better. There are restaurants around New Mexico that have attempted to improve on this culinary delight and many have succedded. Do you remember the Green Monster? Now that was an amazing burger, unfortunately they are no longer in business. If you want a spectaular Green Chile Burger try the 2010 New Mexico State Fair Cook-Off winner, ABQ Brew Pub's Southwestern Burger with Tempura Green Chile (the recipe and instuctions for Tempura Green Chile are listed below). It is an awesome burger, here is a Green Chile Cheeseburger recipe for you to try it at home. Enjoy!

This recipe comes from the Tasting New Mexico cookbook.

Makes about 30 2-inch chiles rellenos


Frito Pie® is a New Mexico favorite, you can find this almost everywhere but many locals say the only way to eat a Frito Pie is from the bag of Fritos. All of the ingredients are added to the "one serving" bag of chips and you enjoy them from there. This is a piece of every New Mexican's childhood!

This recipe comes from th Tasting New Mexico cookbook

This recipe comes from the Tasting New Mexico cookbook.


I remember as a young girl heading back home from a family picnic on warm summer day in Jemez Springs, the highlight of the trip was stopping for fry-bread at one of the road side markets. I couldn't wait until we got home and my mom would make Indian Tacos. Depending upon where in New Mexico you are from you may call it a Navajo taco, Pueblo taco or Tewa taco, which really isn't a taco but more like a tostada. But it doesn't matter what you call it, it is still delicious!