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Recipe: lemon-peppered beef steak salad

lemon-peppered beef steak salad recipe image
Lemon-peppered beef steak salad serving suggestion

lemon-peppered beef steak salad


  • 1 beef Top Sirloin Steak Boneless, cut 1 inch thick (about 1 pound)
  • 1 package (10 ounces) torn mixed salad greens
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoon lemon pepper
  • 2 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed


In medium bowl, whisk together dressing ingredients. Remove and reserve 1/4 cup for salad greens.

Trim fat from beef steak. Cut steak lengthwise in half and then crosswise into 1/2-inch thick strips. Add beef to remaining dressing; toss to coat. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Add beef (1/2 at a time) and stir-fry 2 to 3 minutes or until outside surface is no longer pink. (Do not overcook.) Remove from skillet with slotted spoon.

In large bowl, combine salad greens and reserved dressing; toss to coat. Add cheese; toss lightly. Arrange beef over greens; garnish as desired. Serve immediately.

Nutrition information per serving: 350 calories; 21 g fat (5 g saturated fat; 13 g monounsaturated fat); 66 mg cholesterol; 256 mg sodium; 3 g carbohydrate; 1.6 g fiber; 36 g protein; 9.6 mg niacin; 0.8 mg vitamin B6; 1.9 mcg vitamin B12; 3.2 mg iron; 39.2 mcg selenium; 6.6 mg zinc.

This recipe is an excellent source of protein, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, selenium and zinc; and a good source of iron.